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FORCE's eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You (XRAY) program looks behind the headlines of cancer news to help you understand what the research means for you. XRAY is a reliable source of hereditary cancer research-related news and information.
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31 through 40 of 315

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Study : Personalized vaccines may help pancreatic cancer treatment

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Most relevant for: People with pancreatic cancer who have tumors that can be removed by surgery

Pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed at a late stage when patients have few treatment options. Early study results showed that a pancreatic cancer vaccine delayed the return of cancer for nearly half of the participants. (Posted 8/29/23)

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Relevance: Medium-High

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Topic : Colorectal cancer is on the rise in young adults: What Millennials and Gen Zs need to know

Relevance: Medium-High

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Most relevant for: Young adults

The rate of colorectal cancer among young adults in the US has been increasing since the 1990s. Scientists are trying to figure out why. (Posted 8/15/23)

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Relevance: Medium-High

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Topic : Sex and intimacy after breast cancer

Relevance: Medium-High

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Most relevant for: People with breast cancer or metastatic breast cancer in sexual or intimate relationships and their partners

A breast cancer diagnosis and treatment can affect relationships with romantic partners. This review highlights two studies that looked at how people with breast cancer and their partners are affected, how they cope, how best to communicate with each other and how to talk with healthcare providers about concerns related to cancer and sexuality. (Posted 8/8/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Study : New treatment option for advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Most relevant for: People with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer

If you have advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer, there is a new treatment called Jemperli (dostarlimab) that could be an option for you. This study looked at how well Jemperli worked compared to standard treatment. Based on these results, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the combination of Jemperli and chemotherapy for certain types of advanced endometrial cancer. (Posted 8/4/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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Relevance: Medium-High

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Topic : Reducing ovarian cancer risk without removing the ovaries

Relevance: Medium-High

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Most relevant for: People who are not at high risk of ovarian cancer who are having pelvic surgery

A leading ovarian cancer organization has recommended that all women who have pelvic surgery should also consider removing their fallopian tubes to reduce their risk of ovarian cancer. (Posted 7/18/23)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Study : Progestin birth control may slightly increase breast cancer risk

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People who are using or have recently used birth control containing only the hormone progestin

Different types of birth control carry different cancer risks. Birth control using the hormone progestin slightly increases the risk of breast cancer during use and for a few years after use. (Posted 7/10/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

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Study : Breast cancer disparities among the LGBTQ+ community

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

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Most relevant for: People belonging to the LGBTQ+ community

This study looked at differences in breast cancer treatment outcomes among people from the LGBTQ+ community.  (Posted 6/28/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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Relevance: Medium-High

Guideline : What is breast density and why does it matter?

Relevance: Medium-High

Most relevant for: People who have mammograms

New FDA guidelines for mammograms will go into effect by September 2024. Current FDA guidance requires hospitals and breast centers to give people information about their breast density with their mammogram results. By September 2024, mammogram providers will need to relay to patients who have dense breast that they should discuss the need for additional imaging. This article provides an overview of what breast density means and why it matters. (Posted 6/8/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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Relevance: Medium

Topic : Impact of new laws on cancer treatment during pregnancy

Relevance: Medium

Most relevant for: People who have cancer who are pregnant

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2022 that abortion is no longer a protected right under the Constitution.  This landmark decision leaves regulation of abortion to the states. Cancer treatment during pregnancy may now be impacted in states that have abortion bans or limitations. (Posted 5/31/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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Relevance: High

Quality of Writing: High

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Article : A food lover’s decision to remove her stomach highlights difficult decisions around cancer risk

Relevance: High

Quality of Writing: High

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Most relevant for: People with a CDH1 mutation or a family history of stomach cancer

National Public Radio reporter Sáša Woodruff shares her story of learning about her CDH1 mutation and making a decision about risk-reducing surgery. Mutations in the CDH1 gene significantly increase a person’s risk of stomach and breast cancers. Woodruff’s personal essay describes the psychological challenge of making decisions about risk-reducing surgeries and draws attention to a lesser-known mutation linked to hereditary cancer. (Posted 5/17/23)

Este artículo está disponible en español.

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