CDKN2A Gene Mutations: Cancer Risks
Cancer Risk Associated with Inherited CDK2NA Mutations
If you have tested positive for an inherited CDKN2A mutation, we recommend that you speak with a genetics expert who can look at your personal and family history of cancer and can help you choose the best plan for managing your cancer risk.
- People who have a CDKN2A mutation have between a 28% - 76% lifetime risk of developing melanoma depending on other factors, including family history, where they live and other genetic factors. The lifetime risk for melanoma in someone without a mutation is about 2.5 percent. People with a CDKN2A mutation:
- often develop melanomas at a young age (before the age of 50).
- may develop two or more melanomas during their life.
- People with a CDKN2A mutation have more than a 15% percent lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
- Risks may be higher for people with close relatives who have been diagnosed with melanoma or pancreatic cancer.
- Some studies suggest that smoking may increase cancer risks in people with CDKN2A mutations.
It is important to note that cancer risks are estimates over the course of a person's lifetime. Your risk will vary, depending on your:
- current age
- sex assigned at birth
- specific mutation
- personal and family health history
- diet, exercise, lifestyle and other factors
Participate in Prevention Research
Below are some of our featured research studies looking at new ways to screen for, prevent or intercept cancer in people with CDKN2A mutations. To search for additional studies, visit our Search and Enroll Tool.
Pancreatic Cancer Screening Study (CAPS5) identifier:
Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection for People at High Risk identifier:
Blood Markers of Early Pancreas Cancer identifier:
Pancreatic Cancer Screening Study for High Risk People identifier: