FORCE's eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You (XRAY) program looks behind the headlines of cancer news to help you understand what the research means for you.
XRAY is a reliable source of hereditary cancer research-related news and information.
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Categories Nutrition & Exercise
Relevance: Medium

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Animal Studies

Study : Sugar promotes tumor growth and metastasis in mouse model breast cancer
Relevance: Medium

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Animal Studies

Most relevant for: People diagnosed with breast cancer
Previous human studies found associations between high sugar intake and breast cancer risk. This study looked at the direct effect of sugar on breast cancer growth and metastasis in mice. While researchers observed that sugar increased tumor growth and metastasis, more work needs to be done to see if this finding is relevant in humans. It is important to remember, the overall health benefits of limiting sugar intake remain undisputed. (02/02/16)
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Relevance: Low

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Animal Studies

Study : Do antioxidants encourage the spread of cancer cells?
Relevance: Low

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Animal Studies

Most relevant for: The clinical relevance of this study for people is not clear
Scientists do not yet know why some cancers spread to other parts of the body (a process called metastasis). A study in mice suggested that high doses of some antioxidants (chemicals that can protect cells from damage) might actually make it easier for cancer cells to spread. (12/01/2015)
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Relevance: Medium

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

Study : Aerobic exercise lowers estrogen levels in premenopausal women at high risk for breast cancer
Relevance: Medium

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

Most relevant for: High risk women with a BRCA mutation or a close relative with a BRCA mutation
Many treatments that lower estrogen levels also reduce breast cancer risk. Unfortunately, these treatments are also associated with negative side effects. A recent study looked at the effect of regular aerobic exercise on the estrogen levels of women who are at high risk for breast cancer. (11/14/2015)
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Study : Weight gain associated with breast cancer survivorship
Most relevant for: Women diagnosed with early stage (1-3) breast cancer
Weight gain in breast cancer survivors can affect survival and quality-of-life. This study found that breast cancer survivors are more likely to gain weight than women of the same age who are at high risk, but have never been diagnosed with cancer. The study looked at which groups of survivors were more likely to gain weight. (8/24/15)
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