Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy
FORCE is the only national nonprofit advocating for the unique needs of people with or at increased risk of hereditary cancers. We spearhead and influence public policies to ensure that the voice of our community is represented.
National Screening & Prevention Guidelines
We work with medical societies and guideline committees to assure that screening and prevention guidelines are created or updated to reflect the needs of those affected by hereditary cancer.
Insurance Coverage & Access to Care
Coverage and reimbursement for medical care in the U.S. varies based on type of insurance, national guidelines and federal or state laws. We have unparalleled knowledge of how these influence access to care and strive to improve coverage for the hereditary cancer community.
Genetic Privacy & Protections
Individuals affected by hereditary cancer are often concerned about how genetic information can be accessed or used. FORCE was a key player in the passage of GINA and is advocating for more comprehensive genetic protections.
Medical Device Safety & Drug Development
People at increased risk of cancer require a myriad of screening and preventive services; those with hereditary cancer may need different or targeted treatments. FORCE works with federal agencies, researchers, the biopharmaceutical industry and labs to foster safe, accurate and effective medical products.