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CDK4: Risk Management
People with a CDK4 mutation have options for lowering their cancer risk. Learn about the screening and prevention guidelines for people with a CDK4 mutation.

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Risk Management for People with Inherited CDK4 Mutations

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) provides risk management guidelines for people with CDK4 mutations. We recommend that you speak with a genetics expert who can look at your personal and family history of cancer and can help you determine the best risk management plan. You can learn more about risk management options in our section on Screening and Risk Reduction by Cancer Type

Melanoma screening and prevention guidelines

Beginning Age



  • Perform monthly self-exams to look for skin changes. Have a friend or family member help with hard to see areas of the body.
  • Watch moles closely for any signs of change in shape, size, or color.
  • Twice yearly dermatologist exam should include mole mapping, or full body photography. Doctors may also view moles with a hand-held device known as a dermatoscope. Any suspicious moles or other skin changes should be removed by a doctor so the tissue can be analyzed by a pathologist.
  • Practice sun safety and take protective steps when outdoors. Avoid being outside during the peak sun exposure hours between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, seek shade when available, use sunscreen frequently, wear a hat with a brim at least 3 inches wide that extends all the way around the head, and wear protective clothing that covers the arms and legs.
  • In people that have had melanoma, thorough skin exams by a dermatologist should be done every month depending on several factors, including number of moles, time since diagnosis, skin type and melanoma type.

Source: Cancer Risk and Management Recommendations 2020 (2020). UT Southwestern Harold C: Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Last updated June 29, 2024