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EPCAM: Other Considerations
Read about different genes that are linked to hereditary cancer, their associated risks and guidelines for screening, preventing and treating cancers in people with inherited mutations in these genes.

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Other Medical Concerns for People with Inherited Mutations

Some mutations in the  gene cause a subset of that is sometimes referred to as Muir-Torre syndrome. In addition to increased risk of cancers, people with Muir-Torre syndrome also have increased risk of developing uncommon skin tumors. These rare skin tumors include sebaceous adenomas and carcinomas, which occur in glands that produce an oily substance called sebum (sebaceous glands). Multiple rapidly growing tumors called keratoacanthomas may also occur, usually on sun-exposed areas of skin. Annual skin examination by a is recommended for all individuals with inherited  mutations, whether or not they or a family member have a known history of these skin tumors.

Children who inherit an or  mutation from both their mother and their father can have a rare syndrome known as “constitutional (CMMRD).” CMMRD can cause high risks of various cancers in childhood and young adulthood. Children with CMMRD syndrome may have blood (hematological) and brain/central nervous system tumors and colorectal and other cancers that are typically seen in patients at a later age. Many, but not all CMMRD patients show features that resemble neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissue, particularly harmless, light brown “café au lait” spots on the skin. Both parents must have an or   mutation for a child to have CMMRD. Couples where one partner has a known mutation may wish to speak with a genetic counselor about testing the other partner prior to having children.

There are options using assisted reproduction technology and preimplantation genetic diagnosis for parents to select embryos that are free of inherited  mutations. 

Last updated June 25, 2024