Support Meetings and Partner Events
Connect, Share, and Find Comfort: Our virtual support groups provide a safe, caring environment where you can meet others who understand what you're going through and the decisions you are facing.
How to Register: Click on the meeting or event you wish to attend. After receiving your login details, simply join the meeting on Zoom at the scheduled time.
Choose a Group Based on Your Needs: You can attend a meeting by either gene or community.
By Gene: BRCA1 & BRCA2 Mutations; Lynch Syndrome Mutations; and ATM, CHEK2, PALB2, or Other Mutations
By Community: American Sign Language; Español; General Support; LGBTQIA+; Mastectomy Prep & Recovery; Men; Parents or Caregivers; People of Color; Previvors; Survivors and Young Previvors
8:00pm EST
7:30pm EST
7:00pm EST
7:30pm EST
7:00pm EST
8:00pm EST
8:00pm EST
8:00pm EST
Thursday, January 9th
8:00pm EST
Monday, January 13th
7:30pm EST
Wednesday, January 15th
7:00pm EST
Tuesday, January 21st
7:30pm EST
Wednesday, January 22nd
7:00pm EST
Monday, January 27th
8:00pm EST
Tuesday, January 28th
8:00pm EST
Wednesday, January 29th
8:00pm EST
Local California Leaders
Carly Miller (Los Angeles)
Sarah Spaltro (Los Angeles)
Heather Clark (San Diego)
Andrea Procko (San Diego)
Rachel Hodan, MS, CGC (Bay Area Cancer Connections)
Karlena Lara-Otero Ph.D., MS, CGC (Stanford Cancer Center South Bay)
Dillon van den Berg, MS, LCGC (Providence St. Joseph Health, Southern California Region, Genetic Medicine)