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Tribute > Erika Carlson

Tribute in Honor of: Erika Carlson
Posted May 05, 2009

Erika Carlson
Erika Carlson

To an amazing sister

Personal Story

Erika is one of the most caring and generous people I have ever known. After recently being diagnosed with breast cancer, she set up a benefit to donate hair to make wigs for women with cancer. She succeeded in collecting ponytails from 10 women, including her own 18 inch long ponytail. But, does she want one of the wigs? No, she is only thinking about other women. She doesn’t personally plan to wear a wig. This is just one recent example of her generous spirit…

She was there years ago for our sister, Inga, who (at the age of 27) was diagnosed with breast cancer. Erika, without thinking about her own needs, moved halfway across the country to live with Inga. She got her through a multitude of treatments and was the best friend and nurse that Inga needed. Her courage and stamina through those times was amazing.

Now she is a mother of two beautiful children. She continues to awe me with her never-ending patience and love. The loving spirit in which she is raising her children makes me so proud of my little sister. She may call me for parenting advise (because my children are older than hers), but I always end up feeling like I have learned something from her by the end of the conversation.

She is an inspiration to me, a constant reminder of the goodness that exists in people. She is always there when you need her, can always be counted on when times are tough and you need a shoulder to cry on. She is the kind of person who doesn’t complain about the way things are and wonder when “they” are going to fix it. She is the kind of person who wants to make the world a better place for others, and goes out and does just that.

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Jill Elkin