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Tribute > Julie E. Johnson

Tribute in Memory of: Julie E. Johnson
Posted January 04, 2017

Julie E. Johnson
Julie E. Johnson

In loving memory of Julie Johnson who valiantly fought ovarian cancer until December 31, 2016.

Personal Story

Julie was the beloved daughter of Ray and Naomi Boyd, sister to Bethany, mother to Alex and Caitlin, ex-wife to Richard, and a dear friend to so many. Anyone who knew Julie would describe her as STRONG. At times, one might even use the word stubborn. This head-strong attitude is what allowed her to stand up to this disease every day for over three years. The battle she fought and the strength she carried never hardened her. Julie continued to walk through this life as beautifully as ever.

Julie did not simply live with this disease; she fought it, never allowing it to limit her. She continued to work as a nurse, providing care for others until her very last months. When she was not working, you would find her simply having fun, laughing, and enjoying every moment she had with friends and family. This is who Julie was, and it's how we are going to remember her. This disease was not her definition, but simply part of her journey.

Julie leaves behind a legacy of inspiration, not for how to live WITH cancer, but how to live ABOVE it. A legacy we should all aspire to follow.

Our hope is that with the help of donations in her memory, FORCE will be able to provide widespread education, aid in early detection of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers, and ultimately find a cure.

Thank you for helping us pay tribute to the life Julie lived by making a donation in her memory.

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People who have donated to this tribute

Caitlin Johnson
Jen Schulte
friends at athena
Mara Family
Steve Scott
Shawn Phipps
KATHY Reinhardt Schwartz

Pat Spradlin
Caitlin and John
Mandy Green
Chris and Susan Conley
Dr. Cross
Dr. Troy Shell
Kareils Burke
Mark Seier and Matt Weidler
Julie E Johnson
Jackie Bossi & Chris Walker
Ronda and Makenzie Garner
Toni & Dave Weston
Jim and Jean Gulley
The Crews and Crawford Families
Missy from Kentucky