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Investigating the Use of Self-Acupressure for Fatigue in Ovarian Cancer Survivors identifier:

Quality of Life
University of Michigan researchers are investigating the use of self-acupressure for fatigue in ovarian cancer survivors.

Study Contact Information:

Sara Snyder by email at [email protected], by phone at 1-855-504-0120

Investigating the Use of Self-Acupressure for Fatigue in Ovarian Cancer Survivors

About the Study

We are studying fatigue after ovarian cancer treatment, as it remains a challenging and common issue for ovarian cancer patients. We are looking at how acupressure may be an effective method for relieving fatigue. Acupressure is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is similar to acupuncture. Acupressure is an easy self-care method that involves placing moderate pressure with your fingers or hand on various points of the body to bring about health or improve symptoms.

What the Study Involves

Participation would include an equal chance of being placed in 1 of 3 arms, 2 arms would perform acupressure daily for 6 weeks, and 1 arm would continue normal care (control) for 6 weeks. Both groups would be asked to complete a daily logbook for 6 weeks. One of the 2 acupressure groups will perform real acupressure while the other will perform 'sham' (or fake) acupressure. Neither our team nor the participant will know which acupressure group is the 'real' acupressure group until the study concludes, this is to ensure our team remains blinded. Participants in all 3 arms will receive a kindle, the 2 acupressure arms will have an app pre-downloaded which will teach them how to perform the acupressure. Participants in the acupressure arms will also receive an assistive device called the AcuWand which will help administer the acupressure. 

All study participation is completed remotely. Click here to participate

Lead Researcher

Suzanna M Zick, ND, MPH
University of Michigan, Department of Family Medicine
Co-director, Integrative Family Medicine

This Study is Open To:
  • Women aged 21 years and older with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, stages I to IV.
  • Have average persistent fatigue defined as ≥ 4 on the Brief Fatigue Inventory.
  • Fatigue must have started at or after the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
  • Initiated all primary cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy at least 3 weeks prior), including maintenance therapies.
  • Undergone any primary debulking surgery at least 4 weeks prior.
  • Undergone interval debulking surgery at least 4 weeks prior if they have had chemotherapy (NACT).
  • No other planned interventions for fatigue other than current stable medication.
This Study is Not Open To:
  • Medically unstable.
  • Had acupuncture or acupressure in the past year.
  • Have an untreated mood disorder.
  • Have a current untreated diagnosis of anemia.
  • Have a current untreated diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
  • Started, stopped, or changed (or plan to change) the dose of any chronic medication, dietary supplement, behavioral therapy, physical therapy etc.
  • Have the possibility of becoming pregnant.
  • Fatigue initiated because of a previous COVID-19 diagnosis.