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EnergyPoints: A Mobile App Guiding Use of Acupressure for Cancer-related Fatigue and Sleep Disturbances

Anyone diagnosed with cancer experiencing fatigue

Study Contact Information:

Principal Investigator Dr. Susan Beck at 801-971-5338. 
Dr. Beck can be reached at this number from 7AM to 10PM ET daily.
or email [email protected].

EnergyPoints: A Mobile App Guiding Use of Acupressure for Cancer-related Fatigue and Sleep Disturbances

About the Study

This study is looking at the use of acupressure to manage cancer-related fatigue and sleep disturbances. EnergyPoints is an app that teaches users how to self-administer acupressure, to manage fatigue and sleep disturbances related to cancer. The purpose of this research study is to learn from participants’ experiences using EnergyPoints, while they wear a fitness tracker to measure activity and sleep. NOTE: This study is no longer enrolling.


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NOTE: This study is no longer enrolling.

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NOTE: This study is no longer enrolling.