
Clinical trial eligibility excludes more Black than white patients
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Eligibility criteria stating who can and cannot participate in clinical trials are necessary. However, traditional eligibility criteria have led to the exclusion of Black people in pancreatic cancer clinical trials. This exclusion restricts patient access to new drugs and limits the ability to generalize results to the population of patients who will ultimately use the drug. Revising eligibility criteria, especially for patients with pancreatic cancer, may improve clinical trial access among Black people. (Posted 8/23/22)

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Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider

Open Clinical Trials

The following are treatment studies enrolling people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer:

The following are vaccine studies enrolling people with pancreatic cancer:

Other clinical trials for people with pancreatic cancer can be found here.


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.