
RANKL Inhibition With Denosumab on Mammographic Density in Premenopausal Women With Dense Breasts (TRIDENT) identifier:
NCT04067726 (


Study Contact Information:

Contact: Ava Weibman by phone: 314-747-9992 or by email.
Contact: Ava Weibman by phone: 314-747-9992 or by email.
PI: Adetunji Toriola – 314-286-2668 or by email


About the Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate if denosumab can reduce the breast density of premenopausal women who have dense breasts. Denosumab is an FDA-approved injectable medication that is used to treat osteoporosis and to prevent fractures in cancer patients with bone metastases. This study could help us identify novel ways to prevent breast cancer in younger women.

Type of Study

This is a randomized, 2-arm study to evaluate the effects of denosumab on breast density in women with dense breasts. You will be randomly assigned (meaning by chance or like tossing a coin) to one of two groups. Neither you nor your doctor will decide which group you are in.

The study has two arms. This means that patients in the study are placed in one of two different groups. 

What the Study Entails

You will be randomly assigned to one of two groups.

For women in both groups, Group 1 (denosumab) and Group 2 (saline), you will:

Study Location:

Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Contact: Ava Weibman by phone: 314-747-9992 or by email.

This Study is Open To:

Women can participate if they:

This Study is Not Open To:


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.