Pancreatic Cancer Screening Study (CAPS5) identifier:
NCT02000089 (
Screening study for people at high risk for pancreatic cancer
Study Contact Information:
Hilary Cosby by phone 410-502-2893 or email: [email protected]
About the Study
CAP5 is a study looking at screening for early cancer in people with an elevated lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer who are undergoing screening with endospic ultrasound (EUS,) MRI or CT scan. The goal is to study biomarkers derived from images and tissue samples (ex. blood, pancreas fluid, duodenal fluid) for the early detection of pancreatic cancer and precancerous lesions.
What the Study Involves
Study participation involves:
- answering online questionnaires.
- donating 4 tubes of blood- for research only.
- (at some sites) collecting free standing fluid in the duodenal area where the pancreas drains fluid, aspirated by scope during EUS procedures- for research only.
- (at some sites and optional) collect pancreas juice via the endoscope. The pancreas is stimulated by a dose of Secretin, a synthetic pancreas hormone, injected I.V during the EUS procedure-for research only.
- data from the participants medical record related to their pancreas screening and care.
- optional: potential early detection blood test, pairing annual CA19-9 with the participants FUT2/FUT3 gene test to individualize the CA19-9 result. Results will be shared with the participant.
NOTE: The CAPS 5 study does not provide payment for participation and all screening tests will be submitted to the patients insurance for payment. These screening test/procedures are standard care for pancreas cancer screening for high risk individuals. For research participants, data will be collected from all screening tests/ reports for various CAPS 5 projects, but their pancreas screening will not be altered by their study participation.
Study Locations
- New Haven
Contact: Scott Merenda by phone: 203-785-7019 or email: [email protected]
Lead researcher: James Farrell, MD
- Baltimore
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Contact: Hilary Cosby by phone 410-502-2893 or email: [email protected]
Lead researchers: Michael Goggins, MD and Marcia I Canto, MD
- Boston
Dana Farber Cancer Center
Contact: Chinedu Ukaegbu by email: [email protected]
Lead researcher: Sapna Syngal, MD
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan
Contact: Sarah Volk by phone: 734-936-5704 or email: [email protected]
Researcher: Elena Stoffel, MD
New York
- New York City
Columbia University Medical Center
Contact: Katharine Godfrey by email [email protected]
Researcher: Fay Kastrinos, MD
- Cleveland
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
Contact: Barbara Heaton by phone: 216-844-7314 or by email:[email protected]
Researcher: Amitabh Chak, MD
- Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania
Contact: Maureen DeMarshall by phone: 215-349-8546 or email [email protected]
Contact: Daniel Clay, email [email protected]
Researcher: Bryson Katona, MD
- Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh
Contact: Christine Decapite by email: [email protected]
Researcher: Randall Brand, MD
This Study is Open To:
This study is open to people at high risk for pancreatic cancer due to any of the following:
- Inherited mutation in the following genes: ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, FAMMM, PALB2, Lynch syndrome (EPCAM, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2), hereditary pancreatitis (PRSS1/2, or CTRC), STK11 (Peutz-Jeghers)
- With two or more close relatives, on one side of their family tree, diagnosed with pancreas cancer
- Endoscopic evaluation of pancreas scheduled
*contact your doctors or the study coordinators for a complete list of inclusion criteria.
This Study is Not Open To:
This study is not open to people who:
- are unable to have an endoscopy
- are pregnant
FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.