
Search Results: Prevention, Detection & Risk + Breast Cancer + Risk Reduction (4 results)

Testing a Vaccine for Preventing or Treating Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Prevention study for people with a BRCA1, BRCA2 or PALB2 inherited mutation who are planning to undergo risk-reducing mastectomy

Researchers are studying the affects of this breast cancer vaccine on the immune system in two groups of people:

Testing a Vaccine for Cancer Prevention in People with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation

People with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation

This study will look at a new vaccine known as INO-5401 used alone or combined with a second vaccine called INO-9012. The study will test if the vaccine is safe (without large side effects) and test a new way of giving vaccines. It will also test whether the vaccine activates the immune system. A goal of this research is to reduce cancer risk in people with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Additional studies will be needed to learn if this vaccine approach lowers cancer risk in mutation carriers. 

Restoring Sensation after DIEP Flap Reconstruction

Study for people undergoing DIEP flap reconstruction

The goal of this study is to look at how well a nerve graft works for improving sensation to the reconstructed breast after mastectomy in people undergoing DIEP flap reconstruction (deep inferior epigastric perforator flap). 


Helping Latinas Understand Their Risk for Breast Cancer and Get Breast Cancer Care

Latinas with a high risk of breast cancer

This study will teach Latinas with a high risk of breast cancer about how diet, exercise, ethnicity, genetics and screening and prevention guidelines may impact their likelihood for developing breast cancer. The study will test ways of teaching participants about breast cancer and risk factors, comparing the current standard of care to new personal educational sessions. Bilingual and bicultural staff are available for the phone study to make the study open to both English and Spanish speakers.

Additional Results on Prevention, Detection & Risk + Breast Cancer + Risk Reduction
6 results

Delayed Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Ductal Cancer in Situ
NCT ID: NCT04722692 (

Effects of Tirzepatide on Blood, Imaging and Breast Tissue Biomarkers
NCT ID: NCT06485089 (

FHIR-Enhanced RealRisks to Improve Accuracy of Breast Cancer Risk Assessments
NCT ID: NCT05810025 (

Making Informed Choices on Incorporating Chemoprevention Into Care (MiCHOICE)
NCT ID: NCT04496739 (

The Genomic Medicine at VA Study
NCT ID: NCT04331535 (

Rutgers University Study of the Genetics of Breast Cancer.
NCT ID: NCT06773897 (


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.