
FDA approves new imaging drug for detecting spread of prostate cancer
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On December 1, 2020 the FDA approved a new type of imaging technology to confirm the spread of newly diagnosed prostate cancer that is suspected to be metastatic. The approval also includes use for confirming suspected recurrence in men who have rising PSA after treatment. The approval is based on two clinical trials that showed this new technique to be safe and consistent in accurately detecting cancer that has spread beyond the prostate gland. (1/7/21)

THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN UPDATED on 5/10/2022:  On March 23, 2022 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug called Pluvicto to treat patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. ON the same day, the FDA also approved a new imaging drug called Locametz (a brand of Gallium 68 PSMA-11) for identification of those patients who would benefit from treatment with Pluvicto. Read about the FDA approval of Pluvicto and Locametz here.

Este artículo está disponible en español.

Questions To Ask Your Health Care Provider

Open Clinical Trials

The following are studies looking at new methods for staging, monitoring and finding recurrence in people with prostate cancer.  

A number of other clinical trials for monitoring patients with prostate cancer can be found here.


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.